I’m Agalia, a senior creative strategist based in Singapore. 

I like to describe the work that I do as part an exercise in sense-making, and part an act of imagination. 

Influenced by my studies in linguistics and the social sciences, I believe that clarity only emerges when you properly define the context. 

Strategy for me thus begins with mapping out the forces at play – be it cultural, anthropological or technological – and then taking creative leaps off these different springboards to imagine and articulate new possibilities. 

At work, I combine my natural inclination for macro-level thinking with a methodological approach honed through my early years in a social creative agency to offer brands a clear, compelling vision of where they can play, and how to get there.  









Outside of my strategy practice, you can find me cultivating creative scenes and communities in other corners of the internet as well as in real life.


One of my favourite cosy spaces on the internet, RADAR is a global community of people thinking about and building better futures. I’ve contributed as an Editor for two of RADAR’s cutting edge reports on ‘A More Playful Future’, and ‘Towards A Centaur Future’, and was a Campfire Lead for their first ever campfire around ‘what constitutes a good use of time’.

I’m also building up the local chapter in Singapore, where we hosted our first ideation session around algorithmic anxiety this July.

‘half past’ dinner club

Nobody quite prepares you for how difficult it is to find good conversations after you turn 25.

Inspired by the concept of supper clubs, I created half past with the aim for it to be that third space for people to meet new people outside of their social circle, and share in some good conversations over a nice meal.

Our first dinner club was held at Mandala Club at the end of June, and we are slated to host our next one in early August.


To get to ideas worth talking about, it’s no longer just about the content.  Especially with AI coming into the fray, crafting a message for a brand or producing high quality content is expected and not what sets you apart. 

To truly get people to care, it’s about creating context by focusing on who is saying it and how they say it.

vector brings together diverse tastemakers, with the cultural equity & network to rally and influence, to collectively reinvent and ideate at the cutting edge of digital futures.