The kids’ snacks category is known to be one of the fiercest battlegrounds in business. Not only are we speaking to one of the most choiceful and fickle audiences there is, we are also competing with a slew of legacy childhood brands and novel snack brands. 

So when Australia’s iconic dairy brand, Brownes Dairy, came to us with an ask for a launch plan to drive awareness and purchase of their new product, Cheese Pops, amongst mums in Singapore and Hong Kong, we knew we needed to get to work

Marrying social ethnography with quantitative research, we stress-tested clients’ hypotheses, unearthed mums’ key purchase drivers, and eventually landed on the strategic springboard of ‘Easy Cheesy’ to invite overwhelmed mums to use Cheese Pops as a feel good heuristic, to feed their kids the joy of Australian dairy as a snack with no guilt, no mess, and no worries.