.XYZ is We Are Social’s future strategy and innovation arm that harnesses future strategy, creative technology, and virtual production to help brands stay ahead of the change curves. 

As the lead strategist for .XYZ, I help the agency craft and shape its global perspective on future tech, as well as guide brands to distinguish between the fleeting, shiny new objects, and the enduring technologies worthy of placing their bets on. 

Within the agency, I’ve hosted workshops to educate the network on the impact of AI on our value chain, penned quarterly newsletters that keep business leads updated with key conversations in the space, and helped bring to market products like PlusConnect, a gamified NFT trading experience for our global network, and our latest autonomous AI agent, Luna

Externally, I’ve worked with the likes of adidas, Mizkan, NBA, and Google Cloud New York to craft bespoke workshops around the impact of emerging technologies, and opportunities for the brand to leverage them in an authentic, resonant manner.